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About us

Why vegan ?

For earth

Reducing your meat and dairy consumption is one of the most powerful things you can do to reduce your impact on the planet in terms of energy required, land use, water use and greenhouse gas emissions. Animal agriculture accounts for about 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, the second highest source of emissions, more than all transportation combined.

Every day, on average, a person on a plant-based diet saves: 5000 liters of water, 30 square feet of forest, 9 kg of CO2

For your body

Plants are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Eating a plant-based diet gives you a higher overall level of well-being, higher energy levels and lower rates of illness and death.

Studies have shown that plant-based diets can help you lose weight, reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart disease, lower cholesterol, improve kidney function and type 2 diabetes.

For animals

The point of view of vegans is very simple: animals do not belong to us, their lives belong to them alone, and if we can live without exploiting them, then we have no justification for disposing of their lives as we do now.

Why Fika ?

Lack of time is no longer a reason to eat poorly. We are here to help you. We prepare, cook and deliver dishes every week. Just keep them cool and warm as needed to make the most of your days.

Our mission is to offer you home-made dishes bursting with flavor. For us, a eating healthy is above all a matter of pleasure and not of restrictive and constraining diets. Our objective is not to impose vegan food on anyone. On the contrary, it is in a spirit of openness and discovery that we hope to stimulate your taste buds.

Creating tasty and flavorful dishes is always the main aspect of my recipes. Some will be more nutritious, others more comforting, but they will certainly never be boring!

Fika is all about the pleasure of eating.

Testimonials from our customers